[Postcards From The South]

In an effort to learn a little bit more about this world and our place within it, we have decided to embark on a year-long journey through Central and South America beginning in March of 2008. This is a personal account of our experiences and observations as we explore the depths of this continent, and ourselves. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

We've mentioned our gear a few times, so we thought we'd share a little about how it's all coming together. It's sort of a bittersweet thing at this point— deciding on which two pairs of pants to wear for a year is a tough call to make. Regardless, we're getting through those decisions and distilling our lists down to nothing more than the bare essentials. The next step is to make sure it all fits into our relatively compact backpacks. Our first attempt to fit it all in struck some serious fear in both of us, but after some trial and error we've found some pretty creative ways to smash our shoes, twist our gear, and use every corner of the bag. The good news is it looks like it's all going to fit!


Anonymous said...

did you pack your electric toothbrush yet?

Anonymous said...

don't forget the duct-tape!

Anonymous said...

If I were you I would have pants #3 and 4 in an envelope ready to be mailed. They will wear out quickly and there may not be a Gap nearby!
Bon voyage.