[Postcards From The South]

In an effort to learn a little bit more about this world and our place within it, we have decided to embark on a year-long journey through Central and South America beginning in March of 2008. This is a personal account of our experiences and observations as we explore the depths of this continent, and ourselves. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Establishing independence

I didn't think this trip was going to feel so challenging for me so quickly, but then again I knew there would be surprises. To be honest, the last two weeks have been really hard on me. Some of it has been environmental or physical (like being tied to a bed and bathroom for two and a half days straight), but the majority of it has been emotional and mental. It's interesting that once confidence in one area begins to deteriorate, it can be a bit of a snowball effect. I realized last night that I am making some things harder than they need to be because I am in a slump - I have been attracting negative outcomes because the energy going into my actions is negative.

Another element...it might sound obvious, but I am just now realising it...is that any issues Jon and I were working on in our relationship before we left are going to be magnified when all of a sudden we are with each other all the time. It's pretty easy to depend on each other when we are our only support system, but I have decided establishing more independence will be a great thing for me to work on this trip. I want to learn to express what I want and trust myself more. I will also be working on not comparing myself to the people around me so much, but instead just allowing myself to BE where ever I am.

And what better place to begin practicing this than in Spanish classes here in Guanajuato. We arrived in this colonial town yesterday morning after a daunting overnight bus trip, and could not believe our eyes. This place is even more beautiful than we had heard. It seems like the perfect backdrop for two weeks of learning about a foreign language and myself.


Anonymous said...

Glad to know both of you are doing so much better, and on the road again. We came home very sick from our vacation in Cancun/Cozumel/Isla Mujeres, and we were so extremely careful, or we thought we were.

We went to Guanajuato, Guanajuato about 5 years ago. We didn't stay in the city, but went only for a day trip. I do recommend that you visit San Miguel Allende, that was our base for our vacation around Guanajuato, from there we took day bus trips to Irapuato, Queretaro and other towns around (we used the deluxe bus service, and it wasn't expensive at all, but a big difference to the regular/standard bus). My favorite was and still is San Miguel Allende, I love their old world feeling of Colonial México. I can't wait to read about your stay in Guanajuato.

Les deseo muy buena suerte con sus clases de Español.

Hasta pronto, y cuidense mucho!

Megan & Jonathan said...

¿Muchas gracias, pero quién eres?

If you get a chance to let us know who you are, that would be great.

Anonymous said...

I too encourage you to get over to San Miguel de Allende (about 1-1/2 hrs by bus). It is quite gentrified by gringos, but I feel with a respect for the beauty, history and culture. It would make a fun 3-day weekend and a nice break from the bigger city. Be sure to spend some time at the outdoor public library there! You will probably have another city to add to your list of Cities I Could Live In. Be ready to take LOTS of pictures.
Lynda Parker