[Postcards From The South]

In an effort to learn a little bit more about this world and our place within it, we have decided to embark on a year-long journey through Central and South America beginning in March of 2008. This is a personal account of our experiences and observations as we explore the depths of this continent, and ourselves. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Farewell Guaymas

Well, after 3 days of spending time in a city we never intended to get to know, we finally have tickets for tonight's ferry to Santa Rosalia. I think the unexpected time we've spent here in Guaymas has been a great experience for both of us.

When we first arrived here it felt pretty intimidating. It was loud, busy, dark and disorienting. We couldn't find a place to eat, and every street felt like a dark alley. It took three full days of exploring to find a few spots that made this place feel a little less daunting-- the sunny plazas, the cantinas with fantastic taquitos and friendly staff, the rocky point where you can watch the sea birds catching their dinners at sunset... It turns out, this place has been wonderful.

This morning after a visit to our favorite paneria (bakery), and a trip to the nearest Oxxo for coffee (that's Mexico's 7-11) we bumped into a friend on the street, a local guy named German who we met at a bus stop our first day here. It was odd, but for a moment this place felt familiar... almost like home.

This stop has provided a pretty important experience for both of us it seems. It's helped us open ourselves up a bit, and sink into our experience a little more. So, we're heading out to the baja with our eyes and hearts a little more open than they might have been otherwise, and we have this town to thank for it. We owe you one, Guaymas.

1 comment:

mdubs said...

Aha! found Guaymas. Looks like you're heading west into Santa Rosalia. There's supposed to be a nice metal church designed by Gustave Eiffel there. Can't tell from the photos what portions are metal, other than the tower, the structure, and maybe the roof...
Anyway, seems like you'll get to dive soon! And maybe... taste some French pastry? Keep uploading pics - they're great!

There's a great fly and drive vacation deal in Costa Rica; includes car rental and hotels for a really good price. Do you still think you'll be in that area around late May, early June? Let us know and we'll lock it in.

Eric and Katie, are you listening ? Would love to meet up with you there too! Check out Gate 1 Travel deals.
