[Postcards From The South]

In an effort to learn a little bit more about this world and our place within it, we have decided to embark on a year-long journey through Central and South America beginning in March of 2008. This is a personal account of our experiences and observations as we explore the depths of this continent, and ourselves. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ashes and Snow

While in Mexico City, we were fortunate enough to see an amazing photography and film exhibit that beautifully captured the spiritual essence of elephants, whales and other creatures. The photographer integrated imagery of humans and animals together with incredible grace. The whole experience was quite powerful and calming. Below is a link to the exhibit website.


1 comment:

le wonderboy said...

awesome! i got to see that show when it was here in nyc. they constructed the whole thing on a empty pier out of railroad cars. it was very unique and pretty awesome. so cool that you got to see it tin a different part of the world.